Report from the key sites in 2016
SEAPOP Short Report number 1 for 2017 is a summary of last year’s work on the key sites from Spitsbergen in the north to Vest-Agder in the south. The report presents detailed tables with results for population development, breeding success and survival rate for different species at different locations in Norway in 2016.
This year’s work on SEAPOP’s key sites is almost over, and while waiting for new data, we look at 2016 in retrospect. The report from last year’s work tells us that the negative development for the large part seems to continue for our seabirds, even though there were a few signs of improvement since 2015. Breeding success varies a lot, both between key sites and between species, but as a whole, 2016 cannot be seen as particularly successful. A large number of species display an alarming population decline over the last decade. For pelagic species, the decline is somewhat larger than for coastal birds.
Read the report:
Contact person: Tycho Anker-Nilssen, NINA