Report from SEAPOPs key-sites in 2017
The report of the monitoring work at the SEAPOP key-sites in 2017 is available. The report gives detailed results from last year’s monitoring work, presenting estimates of breeding success, adult survival and population changes.
The 2017 breeding season was yet another year with poor production, and the declining trend of the Norwegian seabird populations continues. Only a third of the populations had a good breeding season, while for the rest, 2017 was a moderate or bad year. The coast-bound species had a high degree of failure, while the pelagic species fared better. There are also large variation in population changes between species and between key-sites. However, a small encouraging note for 2017 is that for the second year running, the critically endangered common guillemot Uria aalge had a good breeding season in all colonies monitored, only with the exception of the colony at Runde.
Read the report:
Contact person: Tycho Anker-Nilssen, NINA

Photo: Tycho Anker-Nilssen