It has taken time, but today we can finally present the complete content of the SEAPOP web in English. In addition, you can find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Increased interest from abroad

For several years, the English part of SEAPOP’s web site has been an abbreviated version of the Norwegian texts. In 2017, we decided to start producing English versions of all our news and, with a few exceptions, we have translated all news bulletins published since the beginning of 2016. Since then, we have noticed an increase in the number of visits to our web site from other countries. In the years prior to our publishing of news in English, the proportion of SEAPOP web page sessions registered abroad never exceeded 18%. In 2017 and 2018, this increased to 27 and 31%, respectively, which we are pleased to see. In 2018, most of the foreign sessions were registered in France, USA, United Kingdom and Iceland.

The SEAPOP web site is now available in a complete English version, and you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Explore the English SEAPOP web site

Feedback wanted

The positive development in visits to the web site from abroad may be partly explained by the launching of the SEATRACK programme in English within the SEAPOP web site in 2016, and the SEATRACK application for presenting tracking data the following year. This has undoubtedly contributed to the increase in the amount of foreign visitors. We are excited to see how the number of visitors and the use of our web site will develop in the time as a result of everything now being available in English. For our web pages to be presented in the best way possible, we are dependent on help from our users and we kindly ask all visitors to report any issues and errors to us, so that we can correct them.


Follow SEAPOP on Facebook and Twitter!


Contact person: Erlend Lorentzen, Norwegian Polar Institute