About seabirds – for a richer ocean
January 19, 2017
Diet data from several colonies in North Norway confirm the Gannet's opportunistic foraging behaviour with herring, mackerel, sandeel and saithe being the main prey brought to chicks. What can the diet tell us about the Gannet response to climate change?
January 3, 2017
Breeding- and winter populations of Common Eider along the Norwegian coast are declining, and the same applies for the winter population of Long-tailed duck. A report points to food shortage as one reason behind the decline.
November 11, 2016
Proximity to seals and polar bears is probably of vital importance.
October 12, 2016
But fat burning during incubation and chick-rearing releases more contaminants to the blood in kittiwakes.
October 3, 2016
And the depth at which the nets are set affects the number of birds captured.
August 31, 2016
Within 85 years, Svalbard will have the same climatic conditions that Denmark has today, if the current trend continues.
August 17, 2016
As climate is changing, the initiation of breeding has advanced for several bird species. How will climate change affect the spring arrival of Arctic terns to our coasts?
August 3, 2016
Choice of wintering area is of great importance for population development in Brünnich's guillemots. This is one of the findings in a recent study, which also reveals that Brünnich's guillemot females in many cases migrate quicker and farther away from the colony than males at the end of the breeding season.
July 22, 2016
The diet of puffin chicks on Hornøya, North Norway, is changing. In the 1980s, their parents brought them few and large prey items per load, while their diet now consists of many small fish. This is known to negatively affect chick growth and survival in colonies further south, and is a a source of concern.
June 22, 2016
Data from SEAPOP's network of seabird colonies along the Norwegain coast and on Svalbard show that breeding phenology varies a lot between species, and depends on different factors.
June 1, 2016
The report from the work on the SEAPOP key sites in 2015 is now published. Many species are struggling with low reproductive rates and population decline, and the estimates of adult survival are also depressing.
May 25, 2016
Why are bird cliffs distributed the way they are? Recent research reveals why seabirds along the Norwegian coast mainly breed in the northern part of the country.
May 18, 2016
Female common eiders incubate their eggs and chicks for weeks without eating. Does wind, temperature or humidity affect their energy expenditure most?
April 26, 2016
A group of scientists have investigated different methods for sex identification in ivory gulls. This study is not only useful and important – the researchers also found an interesting bias in sex ratios in this threatened seabird species.
April 13, 2016
Foraging areas, range and habitat of little auks breeding on Bjørnøya (Bear Island) have recently been investigated using GPS devices. Results from the study show that the little auks are more capable of coping with varying environmental conditions than previously assumed.
March 30, 2016
SEAPOP has contributed considerably to the circumpolar seabird monitoring plan (CSMP) published in 2015. CSMP intends to coordinate all seabird monitoring in the Arctic, and the vision of The Circumpolar Seabird Monitoring Network is to maintain the current biodiversity of Arctic seabird populations and to enhance it where possible.
February 8, 2016
The ivory gull is an ice-dependent seabird species living in the high Arctic. It is capable of flying thousands of kilometers, either looking for food or migrating to and from its wintering areas. In this study from 2015, researchers take a genetic approach to examining the population structure and spatial distribution pattern of the ivory gull, as well as exploring the roles of natal and breeding dispersal.
January 21, 2016
Our oceans are flooded with plastic waste, and some seabirds digest large amounts of plastic that can contain a cocktail of different chemicals. How important is this plastic as a source of pollutants for the birds?
January 5, 2016
In this study reasearchers combined the deployment of GPS devices and the monitoring of breeding parameters and baseline corticosterone levels to investigate the proximate regulation of breeding date in a population of black-legged kittiwake.