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High connectivity in a long-lived high-Arctic seabird, the ivory gull Pagophila eburnea
Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla adults and chicks share the same diet in the southern Barents Sea
Polychlorinated biphenyl exposure and corticosterone levels in seven polar seabird species
Contrasting population trends at seabirds colonies: is food limitation a factor in Norway?
Climate change and the increasing impact of polar bears on bird populations
The Status of Glaucous Gulls Larus hyperboreus in the Circumpolar Arctic
There is more to climate than the North Atlantic Oscillation: a new perspective from climate dynamics to explain the variability in population growth rates of a long-lived seabird
Circumpolar contamination in eggs of the high-Arctic ivory gull Pagophila eburnea
Forage fish abundance is a predictor of timing of breeding and hatching brood size in a coastal seabird
Trends and drivers of change in diving ducks
Negligible Impact of Ingested Microplastics on Tissue Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Northern Fulmars off Coastal Norway
GPS-loggers influence behaviour and physiology in the black-legged kittiwake
Geolocators reveal an unsuspected moulting area for Isle of May Common Guillemots Uria aalge
Sjøfugl og marine økosystemer. Status for sjøfugl og sjøfuglenes næringsgrunnlag i Norge og på Svalbard
The status and trends of seabirds breeding in Norway and Svalbard
Assessing incidental bycatch of seabirds in Norwegian coastal commercial fisheries: Empirical and methodological lessons
Search for tick-borne pathogens in the Svalbard Archipelago and Jan Mayen
Multiple Stressors in a Top Predator Seabird: Potential Ecological Consequences of Environmental Contaminants, Population Health and Breeding Conditions
The stress hormone corticosterone in a marine top predator reflects short-term changes in food availability
The diet, growth and survival of Razorbill Alca torda chicks in the southern Barents Sea
Key winter habitat of the ivory gull Pagophila eburnea in the Canadian Arctic
Modelled drift patterns of fish larvae link coastal morphology to seabird colony distribution
A probabilistic algorithm to process geolocation data
Foraging behavior of a high-Arctic zooplanktivorous alcid, the little auk, at the southern edge of its breeding range
Mind the wind: microclimate effects on incubation effort of an arctic seabird
Migration strategies of common eiders from Svalbard: implications for bilateral conservation management
Living on the edge of a shrinking habitat: the ivory gull, Pagophila eburnea, an endangered sea-ice specialist
Climate change impacts on wildlife in a High Arctic archipelago – Svalbard, Norway
Migration and wintering of a declining seabird, the thick-billed murre Uria lomvia, on an ocean basin scale: Conservation implications
Temporal variation in circulating concentrations of organochlorine pollutants in a pelagic seabird breeding in the high Arctic
Diet of adult and immature North Norwegian Black Guillemots Cepphus grylle
Later at higher latitudes: large-scale variability in seabird breeding timing and synchronicity
Atlantic Puffin Fratercula
Upwind or downwind: the spring arrival of Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea at Troms, north Norway
Diet of Northern Gannet Morus bassanus chicks in North Norway
Flexibility in otherwise consistent non-breeding movements of a long-distance migratory seabird, the long-tailed skua
Sea ice phenology and primary productivity pulses shape breeding success in Arctic seabirds
Best practices for assessing forage fish fisheries-seabird resource competition
Contamination of ivory gulls (Pagophila eburnea) at four colonies in Svalbard in relation to their trophic behaviour
Habitat foraging niche of a High Arctic zooplanktivorous seabird in a changing environment
Hidden survival heterogeneity of three Common eider populations in response to climate fluctuations
Weakening of the subpolar gyre as a key driver of North Atlantic seabird demography: a case study with Brünnich’s guillemots in Svalbard
Ocean-wide Drivers of Migration Strategies and Their Influence on Population Breeding Performance in a Declining Seabird
Circumpolar dynamics of a marine top-predator track ocean warming rates
Habitat selection of foraging chick‑rearing European shags in contrasting marine environments
Multi-colony tracking reveals spatio-temporal variation in carry-over effects between breeding success and winter movements in a pelagic seabird
On the polar edge: the status of the northern gannet (Morus bassanus) in the Barents Sea in 2015-16
Ocean climate and egg investment in the black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla
Black-legged kittiwakes as messengers of Atlantifcation in the Arctic
Sympatric population divergence within a highly pelagic seabird species complex (Hydrobates spp.)
Standardisering og tilrettelegging av sjøfugldata til bruk i konsekvens- og miljørisikoberegninger
Effektstudie av turisme på sjøfugl. Hvordan påvirker ferdsel hekkende sjøfugl på Hornøya?
Seabirds as guides for fisheries management: European shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis diet as indicator of saithe Pollachius virens recruitment
The effect of long-range transport, trophic position and diet specialization on legacy contaminant occurrence in great skuas, Stercorarius skua, breeding across the Northeast Atlantic
Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds
Flexibility of foraging strategies of the great skua Stercorarius skua breeding in the largest colony in the Barents Sea region
Modeling the movements of common guillemots and their chicks from Bjørnøya to the mainland coast of Norway
Almost like a whale – First evidence of suction-feeding in a seabird
Prevailing weather conditions and diet composition affect chick growth and survival in the black-legged kittiwake
Taking a trip to the shelf: Behavioral decisions are mediated by the proximity to foraging habitats in the black-legged kittiwake