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Microplastics in faeces of European shags Gulosus aristotelis in central Norway
Drivers of interspecific spatial segregation in two closely-related seabird species at a Pan-Atlantic scale
Eyes on the future: buffering increased costsof incubation by abandoning offspring
Ecological impacts of climate change on Arcticmarine megafauna
Stay or go? Changing breeding conditions affect sexual difference in colony attendance strategies of Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica
The challenges of opportunistic sampling when comparing prevalence of plastics in diving seabirds: A multi-species example from Norway
Path analysis reveals combined winter climate and pollution effects on the survival of a marine top predator
High pathogenicity avian influenza (H5N1) in Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus): Global spread, clinical signs and demographic consequences
Post-colony swimming migration in the genus Uria
Intracolony variability in winter feeding and migration strategies of Atlantic puffins and black‑legged kittiwakes
Consequences of cross-season demographic correlations for population viability
Model-based assessment of marine bird population status using monitoring of breeding productivity and abundance
Decadal increase in vessel interactions by a scavenging pelagic seabird across the North Atlantic
Foraging range scales with colony size in high-latitude seabirds
Foraging behaviour of black guillemots at three Norwegian sites during the breeding season
Hybridization of Atlantic puffins in the Arctic coincides with 20th-century climate change
Metapopulation regulation acts at multiple spatial scales: Insights from a century of seabird colony census data
Mercury contamination and potential health risks to Arctic seabirds and shorebirds
Variation and correlation in the timing of breeding of North Atlantic seabirds across multiple scales
Use of geolocators for investigating breeding ecology of a rock crevice-nesting seabird: Method validation and impact assessment
Global population and conservation status ofthe Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus
Raising offspring increases ageing: Differences in senescence among three populations of a long-lived seabird, the Atlantic puffin
Sympatry of genetically distinct Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica) in the High Arctic
Consequences of Atlantification on a Zooplanktivorous Arctic Seabird
Predicting Foraging Habitat of European Shags – A Multi-Year and Multi-Colony Tracking Approach to Identify Important Areas for Marine Conservation
Searching for genetic evidence of demographic decline in an arctic seabird: beware of overlapping generations
Quantitative meta-analysis reveals no association between mercury contamination and body condition in birds
Top-down control of a marine mesopredator: Increase in native white-tailed eagles accelerates the extinction of an endangered seabird population
Kittiwake longevity record for Norway
Low or no occurrence of extra-pair paternity in the Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle
Distribution and status in Russia, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak. Sårbarhet for særlig verdifulle områder
Distribution and status in mainland Norway
The importance of tidewater glaciers for marine mammals and seabirds in Svalbard, Norway
Opp og ned med sjøfuglene
Sameksistens mellom fiskerinæringen og oljevirksomheten i området Lofoten-Barentshavet innenfor rammen av en bærekraftig utvikling
Identifisering av viktige områder for sjøfugl i norske havområder – innspill til forvaltningsplanarbeidet
Earlier colony arrival but no trend in hatching timing in two congeneric seabirds (Uria spp.) across the North Atlantic
Light‐level geolocator analyses: A user’s guide
Breeding status influences timing but not duration of moult in the Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis
Arctic-breeding seabirds’ hotspots in space and time – a methodological framework for year-round modelling of abundance and environmental niche using light-logger data
Contrasting Spatial and Seasonal Trends of Methylmercury Exposure Pathways of Arctic Seabirds: Combination of Large-Scale Tracking and Stable Isotopic Approaches
Sharing wintering grounds does not synchronize annual survival in a high Arctic seabird, the little auk
Meeting Paris agreement objectives will temper seabird winter distribution shifts in the North Atlantic Ocean
Annual variation in diet of breeding Great Cormorants: Does it reflect varying stock recruitment of Gadoids?
Foreløpige resultater fra prosjekt «Restaurering av ærfuglbestanden på Tautra» 2004
Det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for sjøfugl. Resultater til og med hekkesesongen 2004
Overvåking avdekker klimarelaterte forandringer i Norsk natur. Eksempler med utgangspunkt i DN-finansierte overvåkingsdata
Report of the Working Group on Seabird Ecology (WGSE)
Cost of immunity: immune responsivness reduces survival in a vertebrate
Utbredelse av sjøfugl i Barentshavet. Grunnlagsrapport for inngangsdata til Miljørettet Risikoanalyse for område C, Barentshavet
Linking the foraging performance of a marine predator with local prey abundance
Marine Ecosystems and Climate Variation: The North Atlantic: A Comparative Perspective
Marine birds and climate fluctuation in the North Atlantic
Regime shifts in the breeding of an Atlantic puffin population
Evidence of a state dependent trade-off between energy intake and parasite avoidance in the Steller’s Eider
Immune function and organochlorine pollutants in arctic breeding glaucous gull
Early spring wreck of Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla in North Norway, April 2003
The status of seabirds breeding in mainland Norway
Lundens populasjonsøkologi på Røst. Fremdriftsrapport november 2004