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Det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for sjøfugl. Resultater til og med hekkesesongen 2008.NINA Rapport 439
Sjøfugl. I: Sunnanå, K., Fossheim, M. og van der Meeren, G.I. (red.). Forvaltningsplan Barentshavet – rapport fra overvåkingsgruppen 2009
Levels and temporal trends (1983-2003) of polybrominated diphenylethers (PMDEs) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in seabird eggs from N
Migration patterns of adult and juvenile lesser black-backed gulls breeding in northern Norway
Individual quality and reproductive effort mirrored in white wing plumage in both sexes of south polar skuas
Spatial interaction between seabirds and prey: review and synthesis
Modeling survival at multi-population scales using mark-recapture data
Short- and long-term consequences of reproductive decisions: an experimental study in the puffin
Sex ratio in lesser black-backed gull in relation to environmental pollutants
The parasitic tick Ixodes uriae (Acari: Ixodidae) on seabirds from Spitsbergen, Svalbard
Dominoeffekter i Barentshavet; prosessene rundt svingningene i loddebestanden
Satellite telemetry reveals post-breeding movements of Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica from Røst, North Norway
The Svalbard glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) as bioindicator species in the Norwegian Arctic: Insight from 35 years of contaminants research
Moulting birds in Lofoten and Vesterålen, August 2009. Report commissioned by the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)
Multi-trophic consequences of kelp harvest
Bestandsutvikling hos sjøfugl. I: Sunnanå K., Fossheim M. og Olseng C.D. (red.) Forvaltningsplan Barentshavet – rapport fra overvakingsgruppen 2010
Exposure and effects assessment of persistent organohalogen contaminants in arctic wildlife and fish
Post-breeding movements of northeast Atlantic ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) populations
Geographic and seasonal variability in the isotopic niche of little auks
The feeding ecology of little auks raises questions about winter zooplankton stocks in North Atlantic surface waters
Detecting population heterogeneity in effects of North Atlantic Oscillations on seabird body condition: get into the rhythm
Predator–prey reversal: A possible mechanism for ecosystem hysteresis in the North Sea?
Migration patterns, breeding and moulting locations of king eiders wintering in north-eastern Norway
Strongly increasing blood concentrations of lipid-soluble organchlorines in high arctic common eiders during incubation fast.
Climate variability and temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants in the Arctic: a study of glaucous gulls
Local and large scale climatic variables as predictors of the breeding numbers of endangered Lesser Black-backed Gulls on the Norwegian Coast
Northern Lesser Black-backed Gulls: what do they eat?
Mapping and monitoring SEAbird POPulations the Norway
Recent decline in body condition of departing Common Guillemots Uria aalge at Hornøya, North Norway
No evidence of sex-specific differences in choice or size of fish caught for chicks or self-feeding among Common Guillemots Uria aalge
Natur i endring – status for norsk naturovervåking
Lundens populasjonsøkologi på Røst
Description of microsatellite markers and genotyping performances using feathers and buccal swabs for the Ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea)
Report of the Working Group on Seabird Ecology (WGSE)
Virological and serological surveillance for type A influenza in the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)
Effects of environmental exposure and diet on levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in eggs of a top predator in the North Atlantic in 1980 and 2008
Mass mortality of adult Razorbills Alca torda in the Skagerrak and North Sea area, autumn 2007
Tverrsektoriell vurdering av konsekvenser for sjøfugl. Grunnlagsrapport til en helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak
Where do kittiwakes winter in the Atlantic? Simultaneous tracking of breeders from 18 colonies
The Barents Sea. Ecosystem, resources, management. Half a century of Russian-Norwegian cooperation
Wasp-Waist Interactions in the North Sea Ecosystem
Scale-dependent response diversity of seabirds to prey in the North Sea.
Sjøfugl i åpent hav. Utbredelsen av sjøfugl i norske og tilgrensende havområder
Bifangst av sjøfugl i norske kystfiskerier. Et kartleggings- og metodeutprøvingsprosjekt med fokus på fiske med garn og line
Bifangst av sjøfugl i norske kystfiskerier. Et kartleggings- og metodeutprøvingsprosjekt med fokus på fiske med garn og line
High levels of organochlorines may affect hatching sex ratio and hatchling body mass in arctic glaucous gulls
Global seabird response to forage fish depletion – one-third for the birds
Optimal foraging in chick-raising Common Guillemots Uria aalge
Status of the breeding population of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in the Western Palearctic in 2006
Faggrunnlag for tobis (Ammodytidae) på norskekysten.
Long-term decrease in egg size shared by contrasting populations of Atlantic Puffins Fratercula arctica in North Norway
Perspektiver for nasjonalt samarbeid mellom sjøfugløkologer, fiskeribiologer og oseanografer. Sammendrag og anbefalinger fra en tverrfaglig workshop på Polarmiljøsenteret i Tromsø, februar 2010
Multimedia Identification Guide to North Atlantic seabirds. Storm-petrels & Bulwer’s Petrel
Lundens populasjonsøkologi på Røst
State-dependent incubation behaviour in the high arctic barnacle geese
Climate affects seabird population dynamics both via reproduction and adult survival
Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak. Verdiskaping og samfunnsmessige forhold
Climate fluctuations and differential survival of bridled and non-bridled common guillemots (Uria aalge)