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Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak. Interessekonflikter og samrodningsbehov
Multi-scale foraging variability in northern gannet (Morus bassanus) fuels potential foraging plasticity
Relationships between POPs and baseline corticosetrone levels in black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) across their breeding cycle
Maternal androgens increase sibling aggression, dominance and competitive ability, but not begging displays in the siblicidal black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)
Wintering areas of Great Skuas Stercorarius skua breeding in Scotland, Iceland and Norway
Modelling state uncertainty with photo series data for the estimation of breeding success in a cliff-nesting seabird
Inter-breeding movements of common guillemots (Uria aalge) suggest the Barents Sea is an important staging and wintering area
Overvåking av miljøtilstanden i Barentshavet: Bestandsutvikling hos polarlomvi
Overvåking av miljøtilstanden i Barentshavet: Bestandsutvikling hos lomvi
Overvåking av miljøtilstanden i Barentshavet: Bestandsutvikling hos krykkje
Overvåking av miljøtilstanden i Norskehavet: Bestandsutvikling hos toppskarv
Overvåking av miljøtilstanden i Norskehavet: Bestandsutvikling hos lunde
Overvåking av miljøtilstanden i Norskehavet: Bestandsutvikling hos lomvi
Overvåking av miljøtilstanden i Barentshavet: Bestandsutvikling hos lunde.
Overvåking av miljøtilstanden i Norskehavet: Bestandsutvikling hos ærfugl.M
Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak. Samlet påvirkning og miljøkonsekvenser
Are female offspring from a single-egg seabird more costly to raise?
Retningslinjer for miljøundersøkelser i marint miljø etter akutt oljeforurensning
Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak. Prioriterte kunnskapsbehov
Unintended consequences: How the recovery of sea eagles Haliaeetus spp. populations in the northern hemisphere is affecting seabirds
Annual Variation in the Diet of Breeding European Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) in Central-Norway
Long-term consequences of egg predation.
Exploring causal pathways in demographic parameter variation: path analysis of mark–recapture data
Multi-colony tracking reveals the winter distribution of a pelagic seabird on an ocean basin scale
Meta-population evidence of oriented chain-migration in Northern gannets
Overvåking av miljøtilstanden i Barentshavet: Romlig fordeling av sjøfuglsamfunn
Seabirds and fish-interactions – The fall and rise of a Common guillemot population
Effekter av miljøgifter på bestanden av polarmåke på Bjørnøya
Temporal dynamics of circulating persistent organic pollutant in a fasting seabird under different environmental conditions.Environmental Scie
Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak. Indikatorer for overvåking
Individual variation in biomarkers of health: Influence of persistent organic pollutants in Great skuas (Stercorarius skua) breeding at different geographical locations
Long-term decline in egg size of Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica is related to changes in forage fish stocks and climate conditions
Winter distribution of guillemots (Uria spp.) in the Barents Sea
To breed or not to breed: endocrine response to mercury contamination by an arctic seabird
Organohalogen contaminants and blood plasma clinical-chemical parameters in three colonies of North Atlantic Great skua (Stercorarius skua)
Perfluoroalkyl substances in eggs and plasma of an avian top predator, great skua Stercorarius skua, in the North Atlantic
Trans-Equatorial Migration Routes, Staging Sites and Wintering Areas of a High-Arctic Avian Predator: The Long-tailed Skua (Stercorarius longicaudus)
Climate, copepods and seabirds in the boreal Northeast Atlantic – current state and future outlook
Seabird–fish interactions: the fall and rise of a common guillemot Uria aalge population
Persistent organic pollution in a high-Arctic top predator: sex-dependent thresholds in adult survival
Rapid long-distance migration in Norwegian Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Larus fuscus fuscus) along their eastern flyway.
Decline of an arctic top predator: synchrony in colony size fluctuations, risk of extinction and the subpolar gyre
Changes in the Norwegian breeding population of European shag correlate with forage fish and climate
Reproductive recovery of a common eider Somateria mollissima population following a reduction in discharges of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Changing distribution of flocking sea ducks as non-regenerating food resources are depleted
Dietary versus maternal sources of organochlorines in top predator seabird chicks: an experimental approach
Weak population genetic differentiation in the most numerous Arctic seabird, the little auk
Corticosterone mediates carry-over effects between breeding and migration in the kittiwake Rissa tridactyla
Migration and stress during reproduction govern telomere dynamics in a seabird
Relationships Between Persistent Organic Pollutants and Circulating Immunoglobulin-Y in Black-Legged Kittiwakes and Atlantic Puffins
When things go wrong: intra-season dynamics of breeding failure in a seabird
Effekter av forstyrrelse på kolonihekkende sjøfugl og effekter av avbøtende tiltak – en litteraturstudie
Trends and status of the breeding population of Great Cormorants in Norway with regard to the Atlantic sub-species Phalacrocorax carbo carbo.
Status of the breeding population of Great Comorants in Norway in 2012 with regard to the continental sub-species Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis.
Differential breeding investment in bridled and non-bridled common guillemots (Uria aalge): morph of the partner matters
Fledging success of little auks in the high Arctic: do provisioning rates and the quality of foraging grounds matter?
Climate warming decreases the survival of the little auk (Alle alle), a high Arctic avian predator.
Annual variation in the timing of breeding, pre‑breeding foraging areas and corticosterone levels in an Arctic population of black-legged kittiwakes
Counting cormorants
Feather Corticosterone Levels on Wintering Grounds Have No Carry-Over Effects on Breeding among Three Populations of Great Skuas (Stercorarius skua)