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Seabirds in the Norwegian Sea
The Norwegian Sea Ecosystem
Full fart i stummende mørke. Har sjøsvalene sonar eller bare godt syn?
Kartlegging av hekkende havsvaler og stormsvaler på Hernyken, Røst, oktober 2005. – Norsk ornitologisk Forening
Dødsårsak og opprinnelse for alkefugler som strandet på Rogalandskysten i februar 2003
The effect of climate on adult survival in five species of North Atlantic seabirds
Foreløpige resultater fra prosjekt «Restaurering av ærfuglbestanden på Tautra» 2005
Taretråling påvirker forekomsten av fisk, men hva skjer med storskarvene?
Temporal trends of brominated flame retardants, cyclododeca-1,5,9-triene and mercury in eggs of four seabird species from Northern Norway and Svalbard
Climate change and murres: a circumpolar seesaw
Report of the Working Group on Seabird Ecology (WGSE), 29 March – 1 April 2005, Texel, The Netherlands
Registrering av sjøfugl fra flytokt. Barentshavet øst, 8. februar 2005
Relationships between reproductive performance and organochlorine pollutants in great-black backed gulls (Larus marinus)
A trade-off between costs of incubation, immune function and future reproduction in a long-lived bird
Utbredelsen av sjøfugl i Norskehavet og Barentshavet
Simulering av fordelingsmønstret til sjøfugl som en komponent i MIRA
Energetic costs of diving and thermal status in European shags (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)
Timing and abundance as key mechanisms affecting trophic interactions in variable environments
Effects of supplementary feeding on provisioning and growth rates of Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica chicks in North Norway
Interseasonal variation in blood concentrations of organochlorines in great black-backed gulls (Larus marinus)
Relationships between ecological variables and four organochlorine pollutants in an arctic glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) population
Miljøovervåking av Svalbard og Jan Mayen
Sjøfugl og sei: predatorer og indikatorer i et klimaperspektiv
Impacts of climate on puffins and shags in Norway and on Uria guillemots throughout their
Kartlegging av hekkende havsvaler og stormsvaler på Hernyken
Recent changes in the status of Steller’s eider wintering in Europe
Sabinemåke Larus sabini
Ismåke Pagophila eburnea
Birds of Svalbard
Kartlegging og overvåking av sjøfugl og sjøpattedyr i Froan. Sluttrapport
The occurrence of organochlorine pollutants in marine avian top predators along a latitudinal gradient
Distribution patterns of Steller’s eiders wintering in northern Norway and northwest Russia
Nordic Seabird Colony Databases: Results of a Nordic project on seabird breeding colonies in Faroes, Greenland, Iceland, Jan Mayen and Svalbard
Seabird research in NINA
Storlom Gavia arctica
Smålom Gavia stellata
Islom Gavia Immer
Hvordan er utviklingen i de norske ternebestandene?
Gulnebblom Gavia adamsii
Carotenoid coloration in great black-backed gull reflects individual quality
Temporal trends (1983-2003) of bromated flame retardants, cyclododeca-1,5,9-triene and mercury in eggs of four seabird species from Northern Norway and Svalbard
Nona- and deca-brominated diphenylethers in seabird eggs from Northern Norway and Svalbard
Report of the Working Group on Seabird Ecology (WGSE)
White plumage reflects individual quality in female eiders
Fugler Aves
Temporal trends in pollution patterns (chlorinated hydrocarbons and brominated flame retardents) in eggs of seabirds from Northern Norway
Hierarchical patch dynamics and animal movement
Density-dependent migratory waves in the marine pelagic ecosystem
Utbredelsen av sjøfugl i Skagerrak, Kattegat og Nordsjøen
Parental effort and recruitment to the breeding colony in the Atlantic Puffins: inferences based on a manipulation experiment
Konflikter mellom ærfugl og blåskjelldyrking
Anti-parasite treatment removes negative effects of environmental pollutants on reproduction in an arctic seabird
Organochlorines in antarctic and arctic avian top predators: a comparison between the south polar skua and two species of northern Hemisphere gulls
Pinpointing potential causative agents in mixtures of persistent organic pollutants in observational field studies: a review of glaucous gull studies
The status of breeding seabirds in mainland Norway
Seabird numbers and prey consumption in the North Atlantic
Seabirds in the North Atlantic. How many are there, and how much do they eat?
Krykkje Rissa tridactyla
Lomvi Uria aalge
Alke Alca torda