Anker-Nilssen, T. 2010. Key-site monitoring in Røst in 2009. SEAPOP Short Report 12-2010: 11 s.

Anker-NIlssen, T. (red.) 2010. Sjøfugl i Norge 2009 – Resultater fra SEAPOP-programmetÅrsbrosjyre SEAPOP: 12 s.

Anker-NIlssen, T. (ed.) 2010. Seabirds in Norway 2009 – Results from the SEAPOP programmePamphlet, SEAPOP: 12 pp.

Barrett, R. & Erikstad, K.E. 2010. Key-site monitoring on Hornøya in 2009. SEAPOP Short Report 2-2010: 6 s.

Bustnes, J.O. 2010. Studies of lesser black-backed gulls in northern Norway in 2009. SEAPOP Short Report 10-2010: 6 s.

Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., Anker-Nilssen, T. & Lorentsen S.-H. 2010. SEAPOP manual for census of colonies and work at key-sites – a status update. SEAPOP Short Report 4-2010: 4 s.

Christensen-Dalsgaard, S. & Lorentsen, S.-H. 2010. Key-site monitoring on Anda in 2009. SEAPOP Short Report 5-2010: 7 s.

Daunt, F., Barrett, R. & Anker-Nilssen. 2010. Winter distribution and foraging strategies of European shags. SEAPOP Short Report 3-2010: 8 s.

Erikstad, K.E., Bustnes, J.O. & Hanssen, S.A. 2010. Key site monitoring on Grindøya in 2009. SEAPOP Short Report 11-2010: 5 s.

Lorentsen, S.-H., Helberg M., Olsen, K.S. & Anker-Nilssen, T. 2010. Key-site monitoring in Vest-Agder in 2009. SEAPOP Short Report 7-2010: 7 s.

Lorentsen, S.-H., Moe, T. & Stübner, E. 2010. Key-site monitoring in Sklinna in 2009. SEAPOP Short Report 9-2010: 7 s.

Lorentzen, E., Steen, H. & Strøm, H. 2010. Estimating chick survival in cliff-nesting seabirds – a hazard made easy with monitoring cameras. SEAPOP Short Report 8-2010: 10 s.

Pettex, E., Lorentsen, S.-H., Barrett, R. & Grémillet D. 2010. The year-round spatial ecology of Norwegian gannetsSEAPOP Short Report 6-2010: 7 s.

Steen, H. 2010. Mapping of seabird colonies on Spitsbergen in 2008. SEAPOP Short Report 1-2010: 4 s.